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Finally...Positive News for New Authors

I'm sure there are A.N's out there who, like me, have been discouraged by lines of  rhetoric that focus on the negative aspects of publishing.  It seems that new authors don't stand a chance of seeing their work in press.  Well, the following link should lend some encouragement to us fledglings.

   Publishers Seeking Insanely Great Debut Novelists

In the article, Jay Schaefer, editor at Workman Publishers in New York City,  breathes hope into the lives of new authors.  He tells us that publishing officials attend writer's conferences all over the country, just to find that "undiscovered debut novelist."   Further, publishing companies are blowing the cobwebs off their wallets and contributing "big bucks" for new novels.  For example, Butnam/Dell payed $600K to new Austrailian author Rebecca James, for her debut novel Beautiful Malice. I could live with that:) I don't know about you all, but I think this is great news.  Since reading the article, I've approached my MS with renewed vigor.  I hope you will read the article and let me know what you think.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year


  1. Yay. I just love this 600k, first her then me 'smile' Here is to publishing deals for you, me and Ms. Rebecca James in 2010.
    Happy New Year.
    Warmest regards,

  2. I could live with that too! :)
    That was definitely an encouraging article at the start of a fresh new year--thanks for sharing.

  3. I agree Alyssa, great way to start the New Year.

    Simone, we will publish in 2010(:

    On a final note, the other thing I took from the article was that bright burning stars like King, Rowling and Meyer etc. have started to lose their glow. The industry is ready to expand its literary universe. That's great news for us AN's. Now I just have to finish my MS(:


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