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Wake Up Call

Hello All,
I hope life is treating you well. Things are really good in my neck of the woods.  However, it wasn't until yesterday that I realized it.  Before then,  I was a person who saw the cup half empty.  For example, I play in a weekly poker game, where I usually cash (meaning at least double my money) between 55-60 percent of the time.  In my experience, poker is 70 percent luck and 30 percent skill.  Even though I know it is statiscally probable that I will lose at least 40 percent of the time,  my husband still winds up on the receiving end of my woe is me's when I don't win i.e., I have no luck, the universe hates me etc.  Not once during my rantings did I stop to consider the times that I've taken other people out.  All I concentrated on was the negative. 

A year ago I built my dream home, instead of being excited about it, there are times I whine about the increase in our mortgage.   I'm writing a book (as you all are aware), but on several occasions when I was frustrated with a scene, or I've discovered that my plot had more holes than swiss cheese, I've questioned whether or not to finish it.  I say things like: " I may as well give up,  my novel won't be published anyway, it sucks, I'm not good at anything," etc.  Well, I'm sure you all get the picture.  I'm Eeyore;)

Yesterday, however, I received a wake up call.  While grocery shopping at Wal-Mart, I heard a store employee ask, "Is he okay?"  When I looked up to see who the worker was talking to, I couldn't believe my eyes.  Two women were huddled together tending to a beautiful little boy. He couldn't have been more than 18months old.  The child was wearing teeny tiny high tops and jeans that made his little legs appear super short.  And the little boy's curls, those golden curls were gorgeous.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to admire him for long, because his eyes were rolled back in his head and he was shaking uncontrollably.  The mother looked helplessly as she cradeled her little boy in her arms, comforting him the whole time. I asked, "Is there anything I can do?" and the the other woman replied "He's having a seizure, it happens all the time, we just have to wait it out."

 At that moment,   I realized there but by the grace of God go I.  Then, I suddenly felt selfish and ungrateful for the blessings in my life. I have been given so much and I've taken it all for granted.  I have three beautiful, healthy boys who are exceedingly smart. I've been blessed with a loving and supportive husband who spoils me mercilessly.  And I can't forget the friends who have supported me through thick and thin. I have been blessed with food to eat and a beautiful roof over my head.  I've been blessed with a good life.

When the little boy's episode ended, his mother and her companion continued with their shopping as if nothing  happened.  I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a moment to say a silent prayer.  First, I asked God to look after the little boy and to keep him safe.  Then, I promised to try to be thankful for all the blessings in my life from now on.  After all, each day is a gift.  I hope this sweet sappy story didn't give anyone a sugar rush, but I'd be interested to learn what you're thankful for this holiday season.

Until next time, Happy writing


  1. Oh wow. That makes me stop and think, too. We ignore our blessings so easily, don't we?

    Thanks for the timely reminder, Andrea.

  2. I can hardly see to type I crying so much for I'm just as you are flawed. My heart breaks for that sweet child. You have inspired me to think of all I have and I thankful to you for it.
    Warmest regards,

  3. Thanks Lori & Simone for your thoughtful comments...
    Have a wonderful holiday


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