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Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  Mine was great.  I've done a lot of reflecting on my role in 2010, and I've found there is a lot of room for improvement.  Since this is the last day of the year, I decided now is the time to make some changes, to start with a clean slate in 2011.  I've made some resolutions, and this time, I plan to stick to them.  The following is a list I endeavor to accomplish this year:
  • Attend church more often.
  • Lose twenty pounds and excercise more.
  • Finish my novel and query publishers.
  • Be more optimistic.  I tend to be Eeyore at times.  I want to change this about myself.  I don't want to be Tigger or Pooh, maybe Rabbit.(:
  • Be a better friend.
  • Implement a family game night.
  • Make a definitive decision about my future.  
I know this seems like a lot, but I hope to accomplish each of these things by the end of 2011.  Has anyone else made resolutions yet?  If so, I'd be interested to know what they are.  Wishing all my friends in the bloggersphere a happy and prosperous New Year.  Until 2011, happy writing.


  1. Excellent resolutions. Maybe I'll just borrow your list :)

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy new year to you as well. You asked my what a blogfest was about, well there are several different kinds, the ones I post on my blog usually have something to do with writing. Click on my blogfest tab towards the top of my page and you will see several links to click on, just click on them and see which one you are interested in, the rules will be posted on the hosts blog and the times to post your entry for the blogfest will be there as well as a linky to click on and sign up. From there you just make sure on the chosen date your post will be up for every one to look at who is participating, then you visit them from the host links and give comments on what they wrote. Its much easier then it sounds...took me all of 1 blogfest to figure out how it works when I first started doing them.

  3. Thanks Carol, and same to you. Feel free to borrow away.(: All the best.

  4. Thanks for stopping in Summer. I'll head over to your blog right now. All the best.

  5. I just want to finish my manuscript to the best of my ability.

    After that, I hope to find a story that holds my interest as the one I am working on has.

    I also plan working on my grammar, and growing in all aspects of writing.

    Happy New Year, and thx for the post.

  6. ooo! I love family game night. I think I'll do that one, too! Most of the others, I'm currently doing!!! :D All the best of luck to you in the new year~ xoxo :o)

  7. Jeff, thanks for stopping in. Best wishes on your next novel. Happy New Year.

    LTM, welcome to Aspiring Novelists. Although our family gathers around the table for dinner most nights, that's the only time we seem to bond. I'm hoping "game night" will provide another opportunity for this. Best wishes for the New Year.

  8. Those are great resolutions and all seem doable so I'm sure you'll accomplish them all. Would you consider...Piglet?

    My resolution is to have more George Bailey moments than Ebenezer Scrooge moments this year.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Good choice Nicki. Piglet seems to be a level minded fellow.(: Good luck with the George Bailey moments. Change is hard isn't it? I'm only a few days into the new year and have caught myself standing under the rain cloud twice.(:

  10. They sound like a great list of resolutions, and nothing too complicated either. Good luck Andrea!

  11. Thanks Katie, same to you. See you round the bloggersphere.

  12. Happy New Year to you too, Andrea. :o) Those are worthy goals for sure. I get overwhelmed with goals in January, so this year I'm hoping just to find balance between all my irons in the fire. I hope this works!

    Good luck, my friend, and have a wonderful year!

  13. Your list looks totally doable to me. Good luck in 2011!! :)


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