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Is it just me or has this summer flown by? In June our family visited Disney World. I soon discovered that summer is not the best time to vacation there. Not only was it hotter than the hubs of Hell, but the wait for most rides was at least forty minutes.

Despite the miserable heat, I did enjoy the new Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios. Hogwarts was an exact replica of what we've seen on the big screen. I mean they nailed it. There was fake snow on the castle roof. The fat lady in the picture sang and the employees wore the official Hogwart's robes.

Inside the castle, Harry Potter's ride took us on an adventure with Harry and his friends. Although it was really fun, since my feet dangled off the seat, I spent most of my time trying to keep my flip flops on. Word to the wise, if you ever visit Disney wear tennis shoes or sandals with a cinch.

Afterward, we ate at the Three Broomsticks Restaurant. Hung above the dimly lit bar was a huge boar's head that snorted every few minutes. Customers dined at long butcher block tables surrounded by small wooden chairs. Upstairs was blocked off, but there were several trunks and suitcases at the base of the landing. Our meal was great. We enjoyed grilled chicken, corn on the cob and a vegetable medley. The boys drank butter beer and pumpkin juice (they didn't seem fond of either one). Then we visited Gringotts where the kids bought a couple of wands.

As I toured this magical place, I could not help but marvel at the genius behind it. Too often I read negative news about trying to publish in today's market. It can be depressing and disillusioning. Yet, after seeing Rowling’s creation, I became inspired. She is living proof that success comes with tenacity, talent and hard work. As writers we have to cling to the positive and let go of the negative. Whoever said "hope runs eternal" was correct. It is the very thing that drives me. The hope that someday I may write something that is publishable keeps me on track to finish my novel. After all, if I don't finish the book then there will never be a chance of getting it published.

Are there any authors that inspire you, give you hope? What keeps you going? I'd be interested to read your thoughts about this. Until next time. Happy writing.


  1. Glad you enjoyed HPWorld. Not sure what keeps me going. Determination probably.

  2. Reading author biographies always inspires me, because then I see that they went through the same things. Nobody gets published without collecting a few rejections first, usually more than a few LOL. I like what you say-- it won't get published if I don't finish it. So true!!

  3. J.K Rowling is my everything, I love her books above all others. She will always inspire me to keep going and do better.
    One author who has crept into my head, and become an inspiration, is Brandon Sanderson: I love his mistborn trilogy, and his new book The Way of Kings simply rocks!!!

  4. Carol, sticktoitiveness is definetely a must for us writers.

    Karen G., I'm dreading the whole query process. I'll probably accumulate enough rejections to paper my master bathroom.(: Yes, I know, it's a right of passage for new writers, but it still bites.(:

    Jeff, Yes, I agree, J.K. Rocks. It's hard to follow in such talented footsteps. Glad I'm not a fantasy writer.(: I'll have to check out Brandon Sanderson's work. Thanks for turning me onto him.

    Signed Andrea Franco-Cook

  5. My family and I went to Disney World two years ago. Sadly, before HP! Sniff, sniff. JK is definitely inspirational! I'm reading them again to my kids, and marveling at her genius as I go.

    And I totally second Jeff. Brandon Sanderson is AMAZING. His MG books (Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is the first one) are fabulous as well. And they're especially funny to writers.

  6. Hi Peggy and thanks for stopping by Aspiring Novelists. Sorry you missed Harry Potter when you last visited Disney. Hopefully you'll get another chance to check it out. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

    I'm with you, J.K. Rowling is a genius. I'm going to read the Deathly Hollows this week before seeing the movie. Can't wait to dive in.

    For some reason I'm having problems posting comments under my name so I'll sign this here. Andrea Franco-Cook. Thanks again for stopping in.

  7. In a way, all authors inspire me. They wrote, decided they wanted to be published, and got published--that's all I'd like to do. :)

    I want to visit the HP theme park . . . though that's definitely a dream. I love the series!

  8. I'm with you, Golden Eagle. You'll enjoy the H.P. theme park.


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