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I'm Not Alone

Hello everyone.  I wanted to get this post out this morning but my schedule wouldn't allow it.  I wound up running around all day like a chicken with my head cut off. I guess it's better to be late than never to show at all. 

Moving on, for this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group post, hosted by the gracious Alex J. Cavanaugh, I would like to discuss new friendships. 
As many of you know, writing is a solitary and demanding endeavor. When the words flow, life is good, but when they don't, it's easy to become discouraged.  During those not so good times, I've happened by some of your blogs and found that I'm not alone. Many of you feel the same pressures about writing that I do: will I ever be good enough?  The words aren't coming, I'm blocked,I've re-written my first chapter at least a hundred times and it's still not where it needs to be, etc.,etc..   There's something comforting in knowing that like minded friends are only a click away.   Several times your encouragement has given me the strength to forge ahead with my novel, rather than give up on it.    

For what it's worth, I want to thank all of you for the support you've given me over the last two years, as I've plugged away at my manuscript (now if I can just get through the editing process...sigh, bites nails). Your encouragement has been invaluable.  I'll be around to visit you all first thing in the a.m.  Until next week, happy writing. 


  1. i know that writing friends are the reason i keep going when i want to quit.

  2. Andrea, have I told you I like the new look of your blog? Keep hanging in there!

  3. Michelle, see what I mean? You can relate. It's great to have those likeminded online friends. Thanks for stopping in.

    KarenG, thanks for the kind words. As always, I appreciate your support.

  4. Ditto to you Andrea! One for all and all for one! :)

  5. Right on, D.L. Thanks for stopping in.

  6. It wouldn't be the same without this wonderful writing/blogging community! Happy to be on this journey with you.

    Take care...:)

  7. I so relate to this, Anne. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite, revision, revision, edit, edit. Gah. I can tell you that each rewrite gets you closer. I rewrote my first novel so many times and it's still not where it should be. I dropped it for now and moved on. All that hard work shows up in the new stuff. So, you're making progress even if you don't always see it.

    I see you're in WV. I'm a WVU alum.

  8. Jamie and M Pax, welcome to Aspiring Novelists.

    Jamie, hope I can return the favor someday. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    M.Pax, it's nice to know you relate to what I'm saying here. Writing is a tough business, us writers should stick together. Thanks for stopping in, I look forward to getting to know you better. Best of luck on your new project.

  9. P.S. M.Pax, have you been keeping up with WVU football? Not a bad team at all.

  10. Many eyars ago I was an isolated writer. I ended up quitting. Now I'm back to writing, but this time I have so much support through writers' groups and the blogging community. I'll not quit again.

  11. I know what you're going through. Sometimes when I hate a chapter I have the urge to re-write until it's just right. But sometimes I find that just stepping away helps a lot.

  12. Writing can be lonely, but you're definitely not alone. My writerly pals always talk me off the edge. Good to meet you!

  13. Lynda, I can relate. I worked on a memoir for years and finally gave up on it. If nothing else, it was cathartic for me. Since then, I've joined writer's groups (online and face to face) and became actively involved with the blogging community. It has also been a positive experience for me.

    Clarissa, I learned that lesson the hard way. You're right, sometimes we need a break to regain our perspective.

    Julie, thanks for stopping in. Welcome to Aspiring Novelists. Yes, I agree. Those writerly pals are great. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  14. I'm no novelist, not even a writer of some sort. I just blog because occasionally I have things to rant about or just want to make some people laugh.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Maybe you should reconsider that, danjor21. Humor is difficult to achieve in writing, and IMHO, you do it well. My sense of humor is a little off color, I tend to be more dry and sarcastic, less slapstick. FWIW, you made me laugh a lot. Your blog is unique. I enjoyed it. BTW, thanks for the following. Looking forward to getting to know you.

  16. Knowing that people are feeling the same way and being a click away from support and encouragement is like a life-line for the writer. Oh, yes, I know what you mean about the sense of humour - I do try to keep the sarcasm at bay, but we're allowed on occasion. :D

  17. LOL, Joanne. Guess it makes sense that an author would have a bit of an off color sense of humor. We spend an awful lot of time alone. Thanks for stopping in. Take care.

  18. I definitely think it's comforting to know that everyone goes through the same things! And that they get past it. That helps, too. :)

  19. So true, Peggy. Getting past our obstacles is very important. That is, as long as we come out stronger on the other side. Thanks for stopping by.


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