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Family Comes First in 2012

Hello Everyone,
Greetings from West Virginia.  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  Mine was exceptional.  The fam feasted on ham and turkey, we watched a couple of movies and mostly took the time to relax and enjoy each other. 

 It seems the older I get the more I treasure our get-togethers.  Mainly because there are not enough of them. The eldest of my three sons is off at college and he stays busy with his fraternity.  My middle son is a Senior in high school.  When he's not with his girlfriend he's with his buddies.  My ten year old stays busy with school and sports, and hubby works long hours.  Unfortunately, their hectic schedules leave little time to hang out. 

What's really sad is I did not realize how rare family time was until we were all together.  Since the New Year is only a few days away I decided to list my resolutions now.  I'm sure it comes as no surprise that my number one priority is to take advantage of every free moment with my family.  I already scheduled monthly dinners with my eldest (used shopping for supplies and extra money as an incentive for him to come home).   Additionally, I implemented a new rule.  From here on out, the rest of the family will dine together at least four times a week. 

Number two on my list of to do's in 2012 is, to begin the querying process.  I've used the final polishing thing as an excuse to stave off rejection.  Well, no more.  Come Hell or high water I'm going to suck it up and send my manuscript off to agents and publishers.  Since rejection is inevitable, keep your eyes peeled for the forthcoming woe-is-me's, etc.(:

Finally, it wouldn't be a very good New Year if I didn't begin it with at least one cliched resolution, so, drum roll, please----I commit to lose twenty pounds and get in shape.  So it is written and so it shall be done.  
Have any of you made a list of goals?  If so, I'd be interested to know what they are.  Until Next Year, happy writing my friends.  Wishing you all the best in 2012.


  1. Great post! I totally agree with you on your resolutions. Where does the time go? Seems like yesterday when I was holding my youngest son's hands as we walked to his school for the very first time. Now he's away at college!!! I'm guessing that my accompanying him to classes wouldn't go over too well with him now. Ha!

    *Family is not as often, but family is forever*

    Have a great New Year, Andrea. Here's hoping 2012 brings you new journeys and new treasures......

    and more family time!

  2. Happy New Year to you as well. My post about resolutions (or more specifically the tactics) is coming later this week. Good luck querying!! :)

  3. Happy New Year to you, too!

    I wish you well with #2. Yes, rejection is a part of the game. I like to look on my rejections with pride, as evidence that I'm actually in this for real and not just talking about it. I find that takes some of the sting out and lets me look more objectively for reasons why, so I can do better next time.

  4. Happy New Year! With December winding down this isn't a bad time to think of resolutions. I've been thinking about posting mine soon for a few days now, once I figure out exactly how much I want to do. I'm with you on family first; with expecting my first child in mid February I'm planning on keeping any writing goals simple and easy to fit around her needs. That and keeping up with eating healthy, exercising, and getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

    Good luck with your querying, may 2012 be a good year for you and your family.

  5. Bryce, thanks for stopping in. LOL, your college student would probably have a stroke if you tried to walk him to class.(: You're right, family IS forever.

    Thanks for stopping in D.L. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your post.

    Botanist, appreciate the visit. I like your outlook on the whole rejection thing. No doubt I'll have some serious scars by the time the query process is over. Hey, at least I'll be a veteran. The experience will do me good, at least that's what I'm telling myself.

    Claire, welcome. It won't be long now. A little more than a month to go and you'll be a mommy. I remember that time like it was yesterday. I used to pray for the baby to come early when I was far along as you. I just wanted the baby to be here.(: I'll keep my eyes peeled for your post.

  6. I haven't committed my goals to paper yet. But I understand the value of family and spending time with them and close friends after losing my mother last month. Twenty years from now, I won't remember what I was doing online, but I will remember time spent with my family and friends.

  7. So sorry for your loss, Diane. I remember reading about your mother's passing on your blog. May time bring you peace.

    I totally agree with you. Family is very important. All would be right with the world if I could only drill that into my children's heads. Hey, whoever said "hope runs eternal" knew what he/she was talking about.

    Wishing you all the best in 2012.

  8. Good luck with your querying!

    I'm still thinking about my goals; I'm planning to post a list sometime later this week or early next.

    Happy New Year! :)

  9. I love your goals! Especially the ones about spending time with family.

    I have a sort of vagueness to my goals, and I've set a goal to nail those down in the next couple of days. ;)

  10. Golden Eagle, thanks for stopping by. I need all the luck I can get on the querying thing. Thanks for that. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your post. Have a blessed New Year.

    Peggy, welcome. I'll keep a look out for your goals. Wishing you all the best in 2012.

  11. I've spent the week catching up and putting off making my goals. Bad Me. I will have them by Monday. Good luck on your 20 pounds, and good for you on querying :)

    Happy New Year!

  12. I really love your goal of spending at least four meals together. i think I want to try that in my own household. My kids are getting older and soon they will not be around, so I want to spend time with them while I can.

  13. I liked what you said about hope on the Tiki Hut blog post. Faith and hope, yes.
    Happy new year, and those are wonderful goals - good luck with all.

  14. Carol, thanks for dropping by. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled. Happy New Year.

    Clarissa, yes, the older your children get the less time they want to spend with their parents, or at least that's been my experience. This said, sometimes meals are the only time I have to find out what's going on in my children's lives. I don't think you'll be disappointed by the four day a week meal thing. Best of luck and happy New Year.

    Melissa, thanks for stopping in, and I appreciate the new following. I'm surprised you read my comments. I always thought people skimmed over them, LOL. Looking forward to getting to know you better in the bloggersphere.(: Happy New Year.

  15. I'm glad you got to get your family all together.

    Good luck with your goals. Happy new year!


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