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Think Before You Act

Hello Everyone,
Hope you're having a wonderful 2013.  I celebrated the New Year with friends and had a fantastic time.  With all the festivities I almost forgot about the Insecure Writer's Group hosted by  Alex J. Cavanaugh.  Guess it's better to submit my post late than not at all. 

As many of you know, last month I completed the portion of my novel which is set in the 16th century Mayan jungle. About a week later, I  experienced a rare burst of confidence and submitted the first 50 pages to an unpublished novel contest hosted by  James River Writers.  Now, I'm feeling pretty insecure about this decision.  

At first I thought, what the heck, it would be good to get some feedback on my work, never considering that my book would make the cut or that the judges would request a full.  That is until my husband asked the "What if they did" question. Although my novel is complete, I'm not sure it's ready to be scrutinized by professionals.  I'm insecure that they'll think my work stinks. Yes, I know, it is wise to think before you act__I should have done just that before I submitted the piece, but I didn't.  Guess my only choice is to play the wait and see game.  

 Since it's the New Year, and I've endeavored to be more positive, I'll try to use this experience as practice for the query process.  From what I hear, contests are a cake walk in comparison.  Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.  Hope you have a blessed 2013. Until next time, happy writing.     


  1. You took a chance and if you get feedback that is great. At least you tried and trying takes guts. So good for you. All the best for 2013.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Murees. Same to you. May 2013 bring you much happiness.

  2. A few months ago, I entered a contest in which the winner would earn a ten page review by an agent. Then I played the what if game too. I didn't win, and I was glad, because it forced me to get back to what to needed to be done...more revision. Good for you for trying, and I hope you win. But if you are not sure your novel is ready...then go back at it until it is. Good luck!

    1. Sage advice, Liza. I think it was Truman Capote who said, "Good writing comes with writing, re-writing and writing again." I seem to be living this daily. Thanks for stopping in and commenting on my blog.

  3. Yes, you were right to think "what the heck" and submit.
    There are a few What If questions which cross my mind from time to time, and I usually dismiss them with the notion of "Well, that would be a great problem to have."
    My guess is, you have much more to gain from the contest than you might lose. Best of luck!

    1. Great perspective, Pauline. I know you're right, but it's often difficult to shake the insecurities. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.

  4. Stay positive! I think you did the right thing. Just keep working on your revisions while you wait . . .waiting for feedback can be a nail biting process.
    Best of wishes for 2013!!!

    1. I'm getting that, Tyrean. Haven't bitten my nails, but chewed a few pencils along the way,LOL. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.

  5. I think you did the right thing. If you'd stopped to think about it, you might not have submitted at all. At the very least you'll get some feedback, but it might also mean you win. There's nothing to lose :)


    1. Agreed Jamie. As a pragmatist I tend to weight everything to death. Sometimes you have to jump in head first and hope the waters are deep as they appear. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog. All the best this 2013.

  6. Contests are so tough. If this is the type that you get feedback from, make sure to give it a lot of thought before you change anything. It's exciting stuff to complete a section of your novel like that. Great job!

    1. Sage advice, Ciara. I need to remember to look for parallels in feedback before changing my work. If it's just one person's opinion then I have to weigh the validity of it, i.e., are they a published professional, what's their editing background etc. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my post.

  7. the worst they can do is reject you and that in itself is a good thing!
    because we all need improvement
    and we all need to experience rejection, writers get a lot of it so we must get used to it. a contest is less personal than the query rejection so its good experience!

    good luck! glad you submitted! that takes courage!
    the start of a brave new year! keep writing!

    1. So true, Tara. Great way to look at rejection as well. It's better to get it in a contest than from a publisher or agent. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.


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