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On the first Wednesday of each month I log into my blog,  join the other members of Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Group and  post about my writing experiences.  Although there have been a couple times where I found something positive to say, the majority of my submissions have been filled with woe-is-me's. The life of a literary wannabe is difficult.  Each morning we wake up, go to our computers and try to write.  And, as many of you know, some days are better than others.

Before Alex's group, I turned to close friends and family members for support whenever I became frustrated with my writing.  About fifteen minutes into my whining fest, my loved one's eyes began to glaze and their facial expressions screamed the lights are on but nobody's home.  I never took it personally because I understood that no one could grasp the journey of an aspiring novelist better than a fellow writer. Anyone outside of this world just didn't get it.

This said, I want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Alex for having the foresight to form the Insecure Writer's Group. Since its inception, I finally found a place filled with like-minded people who understand the aspiring author's plight. It has been a God-send. Also, last but certainly not least, congrats Alex, on celebrating the group's second anniversary.  May there be many more.  Until next time my friends, happy writing.   



  1. I agree with you that no one can grasp the journey of an aspiring novelist better than a fellow writer. My family and friends eyes too glaze over whenever I talk about anything writing related.

    1. Hi Rachna, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Because of Alex's foresight, I've been given the opportunity to bond with like-minded people like you. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who got the glazed looks. Thanks for stopping by and take care.

  2. I love the group for all of the reasons you've talked about here. I'm so glad it's done so well, and that so many people benefit from it.

    1. Ditto, M.J. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog. Take care.

  3. Yes, I have induced eye glazing in loved ones. Lol

    It's wonderful to have other writers as support and sounding boards.

    1. Couldn't agree more, Brinda. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I recognise the glazed-over look! My hubby is very logical and tries to come up with solutions, but sometimes his suggestions just don't fit with the publishing industry. Having people who understand your problem and who can give advice because they've already been through it is invaluable.

    1. So true, Annalisa. The online friendships I've formed are invaluable. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.

  5. How about Camp I'll Persevere! You will get rejections. That doesn't mean you won't reach your dreams. It challenges you to try harder, find good editors, keep seeking. Your desire to write is a gift. Don't be afraid of it!
    Thanks for connecting with me today!!!

    1. You're right, Mary. It's just some days are harder than others. I like "Camp Persevere" very optimistic. I'll certainly keep it in mind as I begin editing my draft. Take care and thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.


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