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Camp Literary Wannabe

Hard to believe it's time for another ISWG, hosted by  the marvelous Alex J. Cavanaugh. Since I'm feeling a bit wonky today, I decided to write my insecurities in a wonky way.  So here goes nothing...   
As many of you know I began my writing journey four and a half-years ago, when I checked into Camp Literary Wannabe. Back then, I was filled with hopes and dreams of becoming a published author.  During my stay I enjoyed nights  around the fire, roasted marshmallows with my peers, discussed our works-in-progress and basked in dreams of what was to come. However, now that I'm a chapter and a half away from completing my novel, I'm finding it difficult to pack my bags. 
Why you ask?  Well, it's simple. It's time to find out whether my work is good enough to move up to Camp Published Author. If the worst happens and I'm rejected, I 'm insecure about how I'll respond.  I might not have the fortitude to recapture that same glimmer of hope I had before checking out of Camp Wannabe.  I want to believe I have it in me to carry on, to keep writing.  However, after sacrificing time with family and friends, passing up potential career opportunities to pursue the dream of publishing my novel, it may be time to bid my camp days adieu. Guess the only way to know how this will end is to hike on up the trail and pay CPA a visit.

 Am I the only one who feels these insecurities?  If not, I'd be interested to know how you got past them.  Until next time, happy writing.  


  1. Ha! Definitely feel that. Julia Cameron write (in The Artist's Way) that people sometimes get most blocked when success is dangled in front of them (i.e. when someone offers them a deal, or asks them for a proposal). It sounded ridiculous to me until I got into the trenches and started writing. The prospect of putting it out there and maybe being rejected is really scary. But it has to be done. Good luck!

    1. Wise words, Julie. It's interesting how we fear both success and failure at the same time. Seems like nothing will ever make us happy,(: Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.

  2. I know how you feel. I am at camp published author now. I have gotten plenty of rejections, but I am not ready to give up yet. I think you will never know what potential you have till you try. Can't wait to read what your journey will be like once you start seeking publication.

    1. Thanks, Mureees Dupe & Congrats on making it to Camp Published Author. Thanks for stopping by to comment on my blog.

  3. The writing (for me) is easy. It's letting others read and judge that's hard.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. I can relate, Shannon. Thanks for stopping in.

  4. Hope you make the Camp Published Author, all writing journeys are interesting, keep working hard.

    1. I'll try, Carole Anne. Guess you can't fail until you stop trying, huh? Thanks for stopping in.

  5. You are most definitively not the only one fretting over publication. It is always a hard step forward. Even when you have already published material, that next work might be the one to reveal your true unworthy self to the world... or so we all worry.

    Thing is, you will find people telling you that you are not good, that your novel is not up to par, that it needs editing, a million negative comments will come slowly but surly. And you can't let them deter you from this path you chose. Believe in yourself and sooner or later you'll find others who will believe in you.

    Take every possible avenue towards publication, learn about it, and decide if it is for you. Think of the Big Seven, of small presses, of self-pub. You never know what might work for you.

    But most importantly: Don't stop writing. As you pitch your story around the block, keep hitting the keyboard. Once you are published, the one important thing is to keep the works rolling out so you can have a presence, so NEVER STOP WRITING.

    Best wishes to you!

    1. Sage advice, Georgina. I truly appreciate your support. I'll keep your words of wisdom in mind as I begin to seek publication. That is, if I can ever finish the final two chapters of my novel, LOL. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.

  6. New follower here. So glad to find a new writer friend. I look forward to visiting again.


    1. Nice to meet you, Sylvia and thanks for the following. Looking forward to getting to know you through our posts.

  7. Congratulations on finishing it! I think getting rejected is a normal part of the process. I think it's a matter of being persistent and sending it out to lots of places. I read somewhere someone (who ended up being successful in the end) sent ten query letters at a time and then ten more, again and again until they got a publisher. That seems like a solid plan for me at least...when I get finished...which may be a while. :)

    I follow.

    1. Excellent suggestion, Tonja. Ten at a time is a good number. It's easy to keep up with and if the agent offers tips on improvement, it gives the writer a chance to fix the problems identified, before exhausting all the publishing prospects. I'll definitely keep this in mind as I begin to seek publication. I still have to complete the final two chapters. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.

  8. I literally had to refresh the word capture thing three times before I could read the word.

    1. Yeah, Tonja, blogger can be temperamental sometimes.

  9. It is scary to begin querying, and I find that my hope does a roller coaster effect. Sometimes, when I am rejected I feel like I'm doomed to have rejections all the time, and sometimes when I am rejected, I just get more motivated. Always be positive that you'll get those requests! Also, don't limit those requests once you get them. If you get partials and fulls, those are AWESOME, and if a couple end in rejection, you have to remind yourself that you got farther than before. :)

  10. We are definitely all insecure at one point or another in our journey. The most important thing to remember is never give up! When I'm feeling uncertain, I talk to my writing partner. She's supportive and understands my struggles. I think it's important for all of us to have someone like that in our lives.
    Good luck and keep writing!


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