It's time for the May segment of the ISWG. For more information regarding this wonderful group, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh click on his name.
Hello all,
I certainly hope you're having a good month. As for me, well, I received two rejections and it's only six days in. The first came from the agent who suggested I make changes to my chapters. Although she liked my MC and the premise of the story, she felt it needed to be streamlined. Also, she said the pacing might be too fast now. I can't win. She did invite me to send my pages to her again once I completed the revisions.
The second rejection came from a small publishing house. The editor added a personal note, stating that he was close on my novel. He felt that some stories should be told and mine was one of them. I must say that was one of the best rejections I've ever received. Still a rejection, but a nice one.
A copy editor has my novel right now. I hope she can help me get it in tip top shape. Then, I'll submit to publishers who accept unsolicited MS. If they don't like the story, I'll self publish. At this point, I'm just tired. I'm also insecure that if I don't move on from my current WIP, I'll be writing and rewriting the same story for the rest of my days, with nothing more than a "Maybe" waiting down the road..
I've already begun the research for my next book, a YA time travel piece. I love to write and well, sometimes that has to be enough. I can't help but feel if I continue to write stories, someday I'll be published. Don't get me wrong, I don't write because I want to be published. Quite the opposite. I want to be published because I write. Nothing would give me greater joy than to make a living doing the one thing I love. Hope runs eternal... Until next time, happy writing.
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