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Struggling With The Right Writing Process

Hello all, it's time for another Insecure Writer's Group installment, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. If you'd like to learn more about this wonderful membership, please click on his name.

January was an eventful writing month.  Although I only completed the first two chapters of my new novel, I'm quite proud of them.  I'm working on chapter three right now and it's a bear.  I have to introduce three new characters who are pivotal to the plot. It's a YA novel. I didn't want to do the cliched, meet everyone in high school gig, so I'm introducing everyone at a rodeo instead.  Since the piece is set on a Cheyenne reservation, I thought this would be appropriate.  Needless to say, it's challenging to present all these components without slowing the pace.

Given how slowly I write, it might take a month to complete the chapter. Several authors I've met have suggested I write without worrying about content, etc, but I've found this makes more work at the end. I understand the "Writer's Trance" as S. King calls it, helps the writer get down her ideas, but I outline so they're already on paper. I've tried to write without stopping time and again, but my Type-A side won't let me get far. I have to mull over the prose, then rewrite until I'm satisfied. I'm insecure that my process is wrong and it'll take forever to finish my story. Do any of you struggle with these issues--If so, how do you get past them? Until next time, my friends. Happy Writing.


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