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What Makes a Memorable Female Hero In a Novel??? .

Last week my two older sons came home from college to break bread with us.  During the meal, the subject  of female heroes came up. When I asked which were among their favorites, the boys named Vasquez (female Marine) and Ripley (M.C.) from  the movie Aliens.  Others ranged from The Kill Bill series featuring Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) to Underworld,starring Kate Beckinsale (I'm sure her pleather suit didn't hurt anything either). After determining my son's definition for "Cool as Hell,"  I deduced that the character's physical and mental strength, combined with their fierce  independence, were qualities that most appealed to my boys.  

Interestingly, when I asked hubby (who is an avid reader) and my sons (sometimers) to name female characters from novels they liked, no one could think of any.  (Though, hubby did say he'd heard good things about Lisbeth,  M.C., in the novel, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson).  

Their inability to name a heroine from a novel threw me for a loop.  Why would female characters on film captivate men (at least the ones in my household), when those in press did not?  After a long debate on the subject, I concluded that there are two reasons for this disparity.  First, there is a considerable difference in the time it takes to read a novel compared to watching a movie.  The latter takes two hours to get through, give or take thirty minutes, while a novel takes anywhere from 8-20 hours to read to the end.  Secondly, In film, the audience watches the plot unfold from a distant third POV,  which keeps them from knowing the main character's inner thoughts.  In stark contrast, a book requires the reader to experience the story through the eyes of the M.C., forming a deeper bond between them.  Unfortunately, my husband found it difficult to identify with female characters in novels and therefore, steered away from them..

 I'm aware  not all men share my husband's views, but I suspect there are many out there who do. If I am correct, then it is likely the female hero in my book (a supernatural thriller) may not appeal to a lot of male readers.   This got me to wondering how does an author bridge the gap between heroines in film and those in press? What traits or characteristics in a heroine from a novel would appeal to both sexes?  Although I only spoke to men in my household, I'd like to expand my questions to other male's and any female readers with insight about this topic. I'd be interested to know what you  think. Until next time, happy writing. 


  1. Fascinating. I also think visual stimulation works well for men. Thanks for posting.

    1. Hi Summer, thanks for stopping in to comment on my post. Although I agree that visual stimulation works well for guys, what about women. Would this be a turn off? I'm not sure. You've definitely given me food for thought.

  2. I think Summer has a point. Men are more visceral, whereas women are more emotional. Men see what they want, women think about it.

    As for heroines in a book, these days, I don't think it's about connecting with either men or women, but just creating a great character who would appeal to everyone. Kind of like Harry Potter. Kids, old people, moms, dads, you know, they all love Harry.

    1. Hi Anne, you make a great point here. However, creating a popular character like Harry Potter is easier said than done.(: Thanks for stopping in to comment on my post.

  3. Hmm, could be proof that men go for looks over personality, which is what's developed more in a book. I think it's vice versa with women - visual stimulation is good, but we're more interested in personality.

    1. I agree whole-heartily,Nicki. Creating a character that appeals to everyone is difficult. Not sure if I'll be able to get it in my current WIP, but maybe someday. Hey, whoever said "Hope runs eternal" was very wise. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my post.

  4. Great point, Karen. I considered age as well, but am not sure it makes a difference. My husband is 40 and our older sons are 19 and 22. Across the board, they seemed to share similar view about female heroes in novels. Guess I'll have to ponder some of the great comments I received and see if I can find a correlation. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my post.

  5. Hmm... I wonder what they would have thought about Katniss from Hunger Games. I think most men (and boys) have a hard time reading girl characters. But the smart, independent, sexy, kick butt girl probably has more a chance than others. I think most men don't want to watch/read the same kind of women they want to be around in real life--they want to watch/read the ultimate fantasy character. ...Like Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. There is a reason she became so popular.

    1. Hi Jackee, thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog. You made a good point. Though I wonder if the Lara Croft character would also appeal to women. I'm trying to find a balance, but it's proving more difficult than I thought. You definitely gave me food for thought.

  6. Honestly, in books women who are super independent and strong come off as a bitch and those who are kind come off as a damsel in distress. For female protagonists, there is a fine line between strong and bitch as well as kind and weak. I think it has a lot to do with the writer's word choice and reader perception.

    In our society, men who are unapproachable, strong, and typically unapproachable are seen as misunderstood. Women who are the same way would be labeled a bitch. Many other factors play into this, of course, but I think a writer has a harder time making a strong woman a memorable and likable character than a male protagonist.

    But I am not sure, really. That is just what I think of first.

    1. You see my dilemma, Socks. I totally agree with what you said here. There is a fine line between a woman who is perceived as a bitch and one of strength. It's difficult to find that balance. Thanks for stopping in to comment on my blog.


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